

伯纳德·罗宾逊十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台,L.L.P. (“BRC”, “us”, “we”, “our”) believes in protecting your privacy. We created this Website 隐私政策 (“隐私政策”) to ensure the confidence of our visitors and clients and to demonstrate our commitment to fair information practices. 保护你的隐私, we will not collect any personally identifiable information (such as your name, 邮寄地址, 电话号码, or e-mail address) from you via this website that you do not volunteer.

我们不卖, Share, or rent personally identifiable information to third parties without your consent, 除了下面描述的某些特定情况. If you choose to register or submit personally identifiable information to us, you agree to the 使用 of such information in accordance with this privacy policy.

请注意,本网站包含到其他网站的链接, 哪些不受BRC隐私政策的约束

作为BRC网站的普通访客, we do not collect any personally identifiable information about you. We automatically record information sent by your browser in our server logs, 包括你的IP地址, 您在我们网站上访问的页面, 以及其他非个人身份信息, which we 使用 to analyze our web traffic and administer our servers. Site statistics may be compiled by or reported to our third-party service providers.

在网站的某些部分,我们可能会使用cookie. “Cookies” are small text files stored in your browser that assist us in providing a more customized web experience. Cookies also allow us to understand site usage and improve the content and offerings on the site. 我们也可能使用cookie为您提供产品或服务. These cookies are not 使用d to collect any personally identifiable information. If you are concerned about cookies, most browsers permit 使用rs to decline cookies. 如果你拒绝cookies, you may still 使用 the site; however, 您可能无法访问所有区域或功能.

We or third-party advertising providers may 使用 clear pixels to track usage of our site or if a visitor accessed our site from a third-party website or advertisement service. “清晰像素”是你访问的网页上不可见的文件. 当您访问网站上包含清晰像素的页面时, 清晰像素与您的计算机通信以确定, 除此之外, whether you have been to that page before or viewed a particular advertisement. This information is only a transaction count and does not contain any information that could identify an individual 使用r.

如果你向BRC提交工作申请, we may 使用 the personally identifiable information that you supply, 比如你的电子邮件地址和电话号码, 就可能的职位空缺与你联系. 我们也可以联系以前的雇主和推荐信.

If you register for an event with BRC including our “BRC CPE Symposiums”, we will 使用 the registration information that you submit to process your request and send you additional information about the event. 网上研讨会, we may require your email address to provide you with Save-the-Date or log-in information. In addition, we may contact you about future events that may be of interest to you.

如果您订阅我们的BRC电子邮件通讯, we will 使用 the registration information that you submit to send the newsletter or news alerts that you have requested. We may also email you with messages and/or other newsletters containing information which we believe may be of interest to you. 如果我们与第三方签订合同来传送邮件, e-notifications we will Share registration information with that party only for the purposes of delivering the email. Instructions for unsubscribing will be included on the newsletter’s webpage.

If you provide your personally identifiable information to enter a contest or otherwise participate in a promotional offering on our website, we will 使用 this information to select and to notify the winner. In addition, we may contact you about products or services that may be of interest to you.

If you register with us to obtain access to password-protected areas of the site (ShareFile or other), you authorize BRC to 使用 information you provide to personalize the information we deliver to you and to 使用 your demographic information when analyzing or aggregating our web traffic patterns.

如果你给我们发邮件, we will 使用 your email address or other contact information in order to respond to your inquiry. 如果您要求了解我们的服务信息, we may follow up with you in the future with additional information that we think may be of interest to you.

一般是BRC, does not disclose your personally identifiable information to anyone except as necessary to respond to an inquiry or provide requested services. 然而, 在法律允许的范围内, certain information about you may be disclosed in the following situations:
1.  To comply with a validly issued and enforceable subpoena or summons.
2.  调查网络滥用.
3.  As a part of any actual or threatened legal proceedings or alternative dispute resolution proceedings either initiated by or against us.
4.  To provide information to affiliates of the firm and nonaffiliated third parties who perform services or functions for us in conjunction with any requests or inquiries made by you.

No part of this website is directed at children under the age of 13. BRC不运营移动应用程序或收集游戏数据. Consistent with the Children’s Online 隐私 Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA), BRC will never knowingly collect or maintain personally identifiable information from anyone under 13 years of age.

BRC(及其第三方供应商)遵守EU-U.S. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regarding the collection, 使用, and retention of personal information transferred from the European Union to the United States.

根据GDPR,用户的权利得到了明确的概述. 我们的访客和客户有权:
1. Access, view, and edit their own information in a timely manner.
2. 应要求从BRC记录中删除, “被遗忘的权利”, 除非我们有合法的理由保留他们的信息.
3. 反对直接营销信息和广告.

我们可能会不时修改我们的网络隐私政策. 本政策的任何变更将在网站上公布. 此外,任何问题都可以通过电子邮件解决: Data隐私Officer@blackrecruitersnetwork.com.

伯纳德·罗宾逊十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台,L.L.P.行政办公室位于:海伍德大道1501号.,格林斯博罗300室,北卡罗来纳州27410 (36-294-4494). The Firm also has six additional local offices in: 夏洛特 (2), 罗利, 温斯顿塞勒姆, 和邓恩, 北卡罗莱纳.